Carbon Emissions from Electricity Consumption in Asia

Where should corporations focus their renewable energy procurement if they are concerned about carbon emissions?

China and India are the two most populous countries in the world, with developing economies that require increasing energy generation to keep up with demand.  The problem? Both markets have the highest carbon intensity of electricity grids in the region and are projected to continue adding new coal capacity in the coming years.   In fact, according to the World Economic Forum, coal consumption in China, India and other Asian nations account for approximately 75% of global coal demand. As the EU and US accelerate away from coal, their behavior will have less of an impact on the global coal industry’s future. Without significant changes, however, Asia’s coal consumption growth could have serious implications for the planet.

Carbon Intensity of Grids Asia - Border.png

 For corporates who are interested in decarbonizing their operations and supply chains, they are well served to understand the implications of the locations of their facilities and their supply chain partners.  Utilizing the most recent publicly available data on country-level grid emissions factors (GEFs) as well as incorporating Apala Group’s own market research, we have mapped the Carbon Intensity of Electricity Grids in Asia to help visualize emissions intensity across Asian electricity grids.


Interested in mapping the CO2 emissions of your supply chain’s electricity consumption?  Contact Apala Group at


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